We are all different. We have different personalities. Different backgrounds. Different belief systems. Regardless of how different we are (which is actually beautiful), we have one fundamental thing in common. Can you guess it? The answer is, time. Let me be more specific. We all have the same amount of time in a day = 24 hours. Shocker right? Here’s the thing… Some people choose to spend their time wisely (a.k.a. intentionally), while others simply let time fly by.

I want to spend my time intentionally. I would hate to look back and see that I let time pass without being intentional in the direction I wanted my life to go. As I am sure you do too. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this post. I have put together a list of three tools that can dramatically change your life, because you’re choosing how to intentionally spend your time.
If you haven’t subscribed to a blog, it’s a must. You can have them delivered right to your inbox. Most people post their blogs first thing in the morning. It’s a nice way to process great content as you begin the day. And the best part is, it’s FREE!
Wow, what an awesome concept! You can get great content audibly. On your way to and from work try substituting the radio for a podcast. Download a podcast before a flight and tune in at 30,000 feet. I have even started to listen to podcasts during workouts. I hate cardio, but I now blast right through it when I’m listening to a great podcast!
For under $20 (typically) you can get someone’s best work on a particular subject or topic. I use Amazon’s Kindle for my book consumption. On a Kindle, the pricing is almost always better and I have the ability to download millions of books (literally) at my fingertips. Know this, “Readers are Leaders and Leaders are Readers.”
When it comes to time in a day (24 hours), it’s an equal playing field for everyone. The question for you to answer is, “How are you spending your time?” If you would like to take a look inside my toolbox and see what I read and listen to, simply download my FREE Resource Guide. It’s a backstage pass to how I spend my time.
Question: How do you intentionally spend your time? I would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Please send me an email at info@johnnyquinnusa.com.