

Archive for the ‘Football’ Category

How to Keep Your Coach?

Saturday, November 26th, 2016

Charlie Strong is gone. UT football players are upset. I don’t know any of the current UT football players personally, but their tweets and media coverage show they have a pretty strong bond with their head coach. I know the feeling. Here’s how you keep your coach = WIN. Sounds simple, but it’s incredibly tough. Many think you win games in-season on Saturdays, but the truth of the matter is, you win as a team in the off-season. Your off-season preparation determines your in-season success. Every time, every year. I played football at the University of North Texas (2002-06). We won our conference championship and played in bowl games ’02, ’03 and ’04. Winning was awesome! It even made food taste better. In ’05 and ’06 we went 2-9 and 3-9 and lost our coach. The same coach we won with in ’02-04. I have experienced both sides and as I look back on our success and failure, it boils down to how we prepared in the off-season. That’s it. You’re either all in, or you’re all out. There is no in between. To all the current UT football players, or anyone else in a similar spot: it’s time to recommit, re-dedicate and re-purpose your off-season preparation. When you do this over time, you will experience the success you want and get to keep your coach.

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