Hi Friends!
The 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang, South Korea will be here before we know it! Every time I see the Olympic Rings I am reminded of what an honor it was to be a small part of the 230-athlete delegation the United States sent to compete on the world stage at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. I wrote an article on the incredible experience and what it felt like walking in Opening Ceremonies!
During the Sochi Olympics (as you may remember), I got stuck in my Olympic Village bathroom and had to break down the door. The picture of the busted bathroom door has been retweeted 26,000+ times and seen by an estimated 10 million people around the world! I have been featured on ABC, CNN, CBS, Good Morning America, NBC Olympics, Fox Sports, TIME, USA Today and many other media and news outlets around the world. I even earned a spot to compete on the popular TV show, American Ninja Warrior!
Who knew breaking down a door in Russia would create so much hype?! With much anticipation, not even a busted door could compare to what race day felt like at the Olympic Games! The moment was so special words can’t do it justice; standing at the start block with my three other teammates, adrenaline pumping, our crew chasing after a medal!
Pushing our bobsled up to speed
Going 80 mph on Olympic ice
Moving up the leader board
The last picture is our team in the leader box and it’s bitter sweet. This particular moment captured above was special, as we knocked a country out of the leader box which extended our time on top. But shortly after this picture was taken… we were knocked out of the leader box. We missed the podium by 1.8 seconds. Four years of work and we missed out on a medal by 1.8 seconds. Think about that for a moment… 4 years of work, and missed reaching our goal by 1.8 seconds. Although heartwrenching at times, it has served as a HUGE motivator for these next four years!
The 2018 Winter Olympics will be held in PyeongChang, South Korea. I have a chance to redeem the 1.8 second gap and Go For Gold at the next Olympic Games! In order to do so, I need your help. As I make my return to Go for Gold in 2018, one of the biggest challenges many U.S. Olympians and Olympic hopefuls face is finding a way to afford their sport. NBC Olympics wrote an article about my return to bobsled and the financial challenge ahead.
Sponsors play a key and pivotal role in the success of the athletes on the U.S. Team. Without the sponsors’ unwavering support, most Olympians would not have the ability to compete; unlike our fellow countries, the United States does not pay their athletes for their athletic endeavors. Training to compete in the Olympic Games in any sport is dauntingly expensive. Coaching, equipment, travel and living expenses typically run as much as $50,000-80,000 a year. And that figure doesn’t include the hidden costs of a deferred career.
As a U.S. Olympian I am able to market the businesses that funds me worldwide through my promotional exposure. Logos can be emblazoned on my helmet, speed suit and bobsled. I am able to partake in a multitude of public appearances during races and other multi-sport media events. I am also available to participate in photo shoots and other endorsement opportunities.
Donating money to support a member of the U.S. Bobsled Team is a direct tax write-off to individuals or company sponsors via the Utah Skeleton and Bobsled Association that is set up as a 501(c)(3). Sponsoring parties will receive world wide recognition annually through televised World Cup Races broadcast overseas on Euro-Sport, and domestically on Universal Sports channel, the Internet and NBC sports. Sponsoring parties will receive up-to-date e-mails regarding my training and race results. I am also available for speaking engagements, endorsements of company products and so forth.
Retirement Investment Advisors sponsored Johnny Quinn to deliver a powerful and inspring keynote at their client appreciation event in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
YOU will be the leading reason why I am able to focus solely upon training, and why I will be successful on the World Cup and in the Olympics. Bobsled is one of the most watched Winter Olympic sports. You will also be the reason I am able to inspire our next generation! Olympians have a huge impact on youth and their development to reach their full potential regardless of age, gender and natural ability.
If you are interested in helping me in pursuit of Olympic Gold, please make checks payable to the Utah Skeleton and Bobsled Association. Please do not put my name on the check, instead enclose a note that states that the contribution is intended for Johnny Quinn.
The USBA was formed in 2003, as a result of the surge in interest following the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, Utah. The group was organized to support elite athletes, to develop the skills of promising athletes, and to support club activities.
The USBA has been organized under the Utah Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act and is a recognized IRS section 501(c)(3) organization. The tax ID number is 87-0682120. Copies of the organizational documents, a certificate of good standing or exemption letter is available upon request. It is our understanding that your donation is tax-deductible under current IRS regulations.
For further information, please contact the director of the USBA, Tom Raty at:
Phone: (801) 633-7982
Email: ytarmot@earthlink.net
Thank you for your help! Go USA!
Johnny Quinn, U.S. Olympian (Bobsled)
Click here to contact Johnny